Monday, January 29, 2007

A little update on some awesome sauce

Hello everyone! Well, I am here in the mountains of Colorado and it is beautiful. I recently picked up a book on all 52 mountains over 14,000 feet, and how I do want to come back here and climb them. I'm almost set on it haha. It has been cold out here, and Denver is a fantastic city. God has been good to me, altough I don't have much time to write I will try to put down what God has been showing me and pray that it will be a blessing to you. The biggest thing has been prayer, God has completely changed how I pray with just one simple encounter with a youth pastor here in Denver. He sort of threw a retreat for our team and in it he shared about going deep into prayer, one thing he said just hit me like a train, and I'll just try to sum it up here; When ever we say to God "do this" or " I need that" whenever we try to fix our problems and figure them out the result is us trying to do what only God can do. And what we should do is reveal to God the problem and then ask God to come heal us and then the result is we know the Love of God for us.

This blew me away.

I realized that I have been trying to get God into my situation, trying to get peace, doing it all on my own and in a way using God to help my situation. Instead of revealing to God what the heck is going on and then saying to God " Have your way." God wants to heal me at the root of why I am getting so impatient, why I exprience my emotions. God wants to heal us! This opened up doors in my heart that have been shut since I can remeber. The Love of God just started to flow and it was powerful! I realized that I needed to let God do whatever he wanted to do, and not force Him into areas of my life. To let the healing flow and let my heart be healed without the striving and trying, and letting my doors open and my guard down. Here I am Lord.

I would just encourage everyone that there are reasons why we get angry, upset, frustrated, hurt, broken, a reason way deeper then we like to go. There is a root to the issue and God wants us to just reveal it to Him and let Him heal us. And one quick note, in prayer we must be honest and consistant

There is a balm in gilead to heal the wounded soul.

Peace and revolution be with you all.

Friday, January 19, 2007


Hello everyone. Well right now I'm in Denver, and it has been really great. The air is a lot thinner because we are 5,000 feet above sea level, but the people and the retreats have been awesome as well as the mountains. We went to Aspen which was cool, stayed right across the street from Jack Nickleson. Crazy. The Lord is awesome and has been really changing me from the inside out. It has been very powerful. Well, continue to keep me in your prayers as we head over away from the mountains toward the desert of Las Vegas. The Lord is awesome. God bless you all and keep in His peace.

Peace yo.

Monday, January 1, 2007

Oh Ann Arbor this is farewell

Well it has been awesome everyone. There is really no place like Ann Arbor in the United States, and I thank everyone who hung out with me and made this time amazing. You will all be in my prayers and I'm sure the Lord will bless you ten times over for the love that you showed me during my short stay. It's so hard to say good bye. Especially when there is so much I want to say and all that comes out is, " peace" or " God bless you." Gahhhhhh, oh well, you guys are awesome and truely a blessing. My heart goes out to you guys with much thanks and appreciation that it is nearly impossible to put into words. God bless and is with you, and till I see you guys again in May- the Lord reigns!

Peace and Love.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

God Alone

So, recently God has been putting on my heart one thing and one thing only-that He is enough for me. That above all else I would seek to please and find my approval in Him.

Old habbits are hard to break.

This I have realized more and more, and with that the grace to realize that, and continue by the grace of God to turn a new leaf. Don't think that habbits you may have had for years, especialy spiritual ones, will break instantly. However, keep your eyes on Christ, and may your heart impress Him, not how good your actions are.

Well that is all folks, May the peace and love of Christ be in you all.

We walk this road together,
May we not condemn each other,
but lift each other to the Fathers Arms.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! God came and delivered us from sin and death! Hallelujah!

What Wondrous Love is This

What wondrous love is this, O my soul, O my soul!
What wondrous love is this, O my soul!
What wondrous love is this that caused the Lord of bliss
To bear the dreadful curse for my soul, for my soul,
To bear the dreadful curse for my soul.

When I was sinking down, sinking down, sinking down,
When I was sinking down, sinking down,
When I was sinking down beneath God’s righteous frown,
Christ laid aside His crown for my soul, for my soul,
Christ laid aside His crown for my soul.

To God and to the Lamb, I will sing, I will sing;
To God and to the Lamb, I will sing.
To God and to the Lamb Who is the great “I Am”;
While millions join the theme, I will sing, I will sing;
While millions join the theme, I will sing

And when from death I’m free, I’ll sing on, I’ll sing on;
And when from death I’m free, I’ll sing on.
And when from death I’m free, I’ll sing and joyful be;
And through eternity, I’ll sing on, I’ll sing on;
And through eternity, I’ll sing on.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Sometimes silnce is the language God speaks. When nothing is really moving inside of you but you know that God is around you, and God speaks deep inside, " I am with you."

Sometimes it's the weak and the ones that don't have it all down that dance when the song is played. Sometimes I want to just let go and move with you Lord.

Move us, ignite us, let us know that you are with us!

Monday, December 18, 2006

A little forgiveness

So here I am at home! It is good. And with that have come many lessons I've learned and have chosen to put down here for all to read. I'm not saying I'm right or that this is the way or trying to break spiritual ground. I'm simply putting down my thoughts, and what God has been speaking to me. So take it or leave it, but don't hate there's enough of that already.

Being on the road for so long and seeing so much I think it was really cool to see the Church at a larger scale. To realize that I am a part of something so much larger then just this little spot of land we call Ann Arbor. Recently God has been showing me the "Kingdom" and how limited my vision of it has been. I thought the Kingdom was this spiritual, unbelievable event when everything turns white and my life has suddenly become perfect. What I have had to go through on the road opened my eyes to the Kingdom of God in a very different way then what I previously thought it was. The Kingdom is there when we choose to forgive from our hearts those who have done us wrong, and instead of waiting to be asked for forgiveness asking for it. Nothing I have encountered that is much harder, and yet such a representation of the Kingdom.

I kinda want to talk a bit about forgiveness. I think this world shows us ways to become kings and helps us push everyone out of our lives that we don't like. We tend to forget such a beautiful simple thing. First of all, Community life is impossible without openness and honesty, I learned that the hard way, I finally broke down and realized that I can not do it on my own without the involvement of other people in my life. I learned that I had to talk to those who have wronged me and for those who I have wronged to ask for forgiveness. And how many times? Seven times seventy if I have to. Because I have come to realize that the power of community isn't shown in achievement or how many people are prophesying or seeing visions or any of that. The power of community is that each individual is supported and loved. And we get there by being open and vulnerable with each other in order to let other people in. Not just for spiritual advancement, but for the Love of God and for each other.

I forgot that Jesus calls me to love as He did, and that He withheld nothing from His followers. He was totally naked to all, even on the cross. He showed us the way to love each other, and I think a key to that is openness and forgiveness as He did.

So my thoughts are if there is bitterness, anger, resentment, then there are closed hearts and a individualistic mindset. Yet, if there is forgiveness, honesty, openness, brokenness, and nakedness before the Lord and others, the Kingdom is there. Heaven on earth.

Such beauty in such simplicity.

Love has come to show the way
Train de vie

Much love,
